Virtual Private Network the Solution of Networking

Tunneling's technological conjugate and enkripsi makes VPN( Virtual Private Network) as technology which admirably and helps user work myriad it.
Both of its technology non-negotiable and discomfited sue again in forms one VPN'S communication. Both of technology it shall be fused to get perfect result, which is safe data communication and efficient. Safe meaning Your data secrecies awake regular and its perfection. Are not bungling side get to catch and reads Your data, even that data then grass at public communication band. Constant perfection awake fathoms a meaning not bungling person get to confound content and Your data path. It needs to be looked after since if was passing public band, a great many fad person
one that maybe just destroy Your midway data. To that is, why technology second this really gets essential role in be formed VPN'S communication solution.

Any kind Technology Tunneling?
To make one tunnel, necessary one its regulator protocol so tunnel logically it gets to walk with every consideration such as connection point to point actually. Now, in store maker protocol myriad tunnel who can be utilized. But, tunneling protocol that commonest and at most is utilized consisting of three types hereunder:
• Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

L2TP is one tunneling protocol who fuses and compounding two numbers tunneling protocol who gets proprietary's character, which is L2F (Layer 2 Forwarding) Cisco Systems's belonging with PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol) Microsoft's belonging.

Initially, all product Cisco utilizes L2F to manage that tunneling, meanwhile operating system is antecedent Microsoft just utilizes PPTP to service its user that wants to play by tunnel. But currently, Windows NT's Microsoft / 2000 got utilizes PPTP or L2TP in technological that VPN.

L2TP usually being utilized deep makes Virtual Private Dial Network (VPDN) one that gets to work takes in all communications protocol type at in it. Besides, L2TP also gets independent media character because get to above work any media. L2TP enables its user for regular can connected with local network theirs with policy same security and of whichever they lie, via VPN'S connection or VPDN. This connection oft is looked on as medium lengthen local network belongs to its user, but passes through public media.

But, this tunneling's technology have no mechanism to provide enkripsi's facility because really quite a pure just form tunnel's network. Besides, what last grass in tunnel this can be a prey to and be monitored by use of protocol analizer.
• Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
tunneling's protocol this the one has ability to take in more than one addressing protocol type communication. Are not just package get even one internet protocol address get to be taken in it, but a lot of other protocol package as CNLP, IPX, and a lot of again. But, all that was packaged or to enkapsulation becomes one package which get IP addressing system. Then that package is distributed system thru also tunnel working above IP communications protocol.

By use of tunneling GRE, router is aught at the end tunnel does enkapsulation other protocol packages in header of IP protocol. It will make package previously get to be taken in to whichever by and method that exist on IP technology. With marks sense this ability, therefore protocol which took in by that IP package gets free more move to go to whichever location which is wended, provided that achievable IP addressing ala.

Quite a lot application utilize tunneling's protocol help this is merge local network that separatedly distance ala is back get to get communication. Or in other words, GRP there are many is utilized to lengthen and mengekspansi is proprietary local network the its user. Even quite a lot is utilized, GRE not also provide enkripsi's system grasses last data at its tunnel, so all its data activity can monitor to utilize protocol analyzer so-so.
• security Protocol's IP (IPSec)
IPSec is one for felicitous tunneling protocol option to be utilized deep VPN korporat's level. IPSec constitutes protocol that gets open's character default who can provide data security, data perfection, and autentikation is data among peer second that participates in it.

IPSec provides data security system as it by use of one peacemaker method that named Internet Goes To y. Exchange (IKE). IKE this on call to handle negotiation problem of protocol and security algorithm that is created bases from policy which is applied on network the user. IKE on eventually will result one enkripsi's system and its peacemaker key that will be utilized for autentikasi on this IPSec's system.

How with Enkripsinya's Technology?
Besides technology tunneling, enkripsi's technology in VPN also highly varied. Actually technological enkripsi is not just belonging VPN just, but far-flung its purpose. Enkripsi on call to look after privasi and that data secrecy can't with easy to read by side that don't deserve. Marginally tech enkripsi is divided up two types, which is:

Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric Encryption is known even with nickname one diarrhoea goes to y. encryption. Enkripsi is this type a lot of is utilized deep enkripsi's process data in volumed one outgrows. Up to data communication term, network peripheral that have enkripsi's ability this type will change data that as text of purification (cleartext) as gets text form already at random or its terminology is ciphertext. This random text obviously been made by use of algorithm. This random text really is not easily to be read, so Your data security awakes.

Succeeding question, how is that random data opened by really party be wended? To open this random data, seeker's algorithm previously also makes one key which can open all content in origin. This key proprietary by the consigner and also data consignee. Key this is that will be utilized deep enkripsi's process and dekripsi ciphertext it.

Digital Encryption Default (DES) constitute one standard algorithm that is utilized to make this symmetric encryption's process. This algorithm at claim as one commonest being utilized currently. DES'S algorithm operating deep measure 64 bit obstructs data. Fathom a meaning, this algorithm will carry on one series of randomization process 64 incoming data bits for then is issued as 64 random data bits. That process utilizes 64 bit key whereabouts 56 its bit be chosen at random, 8 its bit comes from parity bits of Your data. Bit eighth that was slipped bit 56th betwixt previous.

Resulting key then is sent to data consignee.
With enkripsi's system such, DES is not easy to be conquered But along with technology developing, DES can be uncovered by use of supercomputer in the period of few days only. Alternative for DES is triple DES (3DES) one that do process in DES as much thrice. So key which is resulted and is needed to open enkripsi is as much three numbers.

Asymmetric Encryption
Enkripsi is this type is frequent at conceive of system public goes to y. encryption. enkripsi's process this type can utilize algorithm any kind, but enkripsi's result of this algorithm will function as complement in to seeker and data collation. In enkripsi this type is needful two peacemaker keys that variably, but mutually gets bearing in processes its algorithm. Both of this peacemaker key is frequent so-called with Public's terminology Goes To y. and Private Goes To y..
For example it, Andi and Kindness wants to get safe communication by use of system enkripsi this. To it, both has to have public goes to y. and private goes to y. beforehand. Andi shall have public and private goes to y., so even with Kindness. While processes communication be begun, they will utilize keys that variably to enkrip and dekrip is data. Key may variably, but data get flawlessly been delivered same algorithm blessing.

Public's makings mechanism and private goes to y. this complex enough. Usually goes to y. to y. this at generate utilizes going generator RSA'S algorithm (Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman) or EL Gamal. Result of this generator usually is two random numeral formations huge ones. One random number functions as public goes to y. and one again for private to go to y.. This random numbers really have as much been made and as random as maybe to strengthen uniquenesses of go to y. to y. You.
To genberationi goes to y. to y. this really need tall CPU process. Therefore that, this process can't be done every time You do data transactions. In other words, enkripsi is this type never been utilized to secure data truthfully because its complex character it. Even so, enkripsi this will so effective in autentikasi's process data and its application that involve signature's digital system and goes to y. management.

How Choose VPN'S Technology in point?
VPN'S technology so a lot of its option for You to utilize. How choose the best one for You? VPN'S technology the best one for Your really clings to traffic's requirement data that wants then grass at its settle.
IPSec's technology constitute main option and the most complete to give solution for VPN'S network enterprise's level. But unhappily, IPSec just backs up traffic that berbasiskan IP and package technology that gets unicast's characteristic only. So if characteristic Your data that wants to be overlooked by appropriate VPN with competence IPSec, therefore not necessarily again utilizes it because IPSec easier relative at configuration and at troubleshoot. But if traffic You consisting of protocols besides IP or IP communication get multicast's characteristics, therefore utilizes GRE or L2TP.
Well-matched GRE is utilized if You want to make site to site VPN's communication that will be passed by various communications protocol kind. Besides, GRE also well-matched being utilized deep through multicast's IP package as one a lot of is utilized deep routing protocol. So match is utilized as band of communication among router. GRE that to enkapsulation will all traffic without source and aim care it.
For network what do a lot of impassable by traffic for stationary networking Microsoft, L2TP really close-fitting to be utilized in here. Since its relationship that hand in glove with PPP protocol, L2TP also well-matched being utilized deep build access VPN's remote that need multiprotokol's support.
But one becomes constraint be good GRE and also L2TP no that have enkripsi's system and data perfection keeper. Therefore of that, usually deep implementation both of this VPN'S technology merged by its purpose with IPSec to get enkripsi's facility and integrity keeper mechanism its data.

Safe and Comfortable
VPN really molded of second conjugate technological already been enlightened in broad outline upon. There is one principle which amends among data communication practitioner that says that “ safe data communication will never cozy ”. That principle maybe available its scorpion is right, whereabouts You shall make policy policy that dazes to carry the wind, tunneling's teches and enkripsi what do You will utilize, and rule rule what do so tights and play by play to stop all rioter that don't deserve to access Your data. But, technology VPN may can be counted out deep that principle.

Really correctness, performa is network VPN won't can as good as tissue personal truthfully. Big latensi time must espouse to whichever VPN goes. Besides, this network so sensitif to happening trouble midway entah whereabouts. But, all that risk still maybe accepted since if was connected, tremendous convenience You can enjoy. Moreover, to You practitioner carry on business, a great many business applications which can be made by use of VPN.
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Posted by Admin, Tuesday, September 04, 2007 11:55:00 AM | 2 comments |

Proxy For Sharing Internet

Tech proxy is tech standard one for ala internet access goes together by severally computer at a swoop in one Local Network's Area (LAN) via one modem or one communication channel. Proxy's terminology own a lot of recognised / is utilized especially at the world / diplomatic circle. Classically proxy is someone / acting institute as intermediate or on behalf from other people / institute / other state.

This tech is recognised with severally name which is at marketing, e.g.:

• Connection Sharing's internet (ICS) – this terminology utilized by Microsoft on its Windows 2000.
• Proxy is server – it usually as software of affix that is assembled at acting computer as intermediate.
• Sharing's internet server (ISS) – usually as selfsupporting hardware furnished with modem, hub and proxy's software in it.
• Network Address Translation (NAT) – other terminology that is utilized for proxy's software server.
• IP Masquerade – tech that is utilized at NAT / Proxy's software server to do proxy's process.

Why is proxy's tech becomes to be of important for share internet access from one LAN ala goes together? As picture of common, in one computer network – included Internets, all network component at identifies by one number (at Internet is known as Protocol internet address, internet protocol address, IP address). Why utilized by number? Since IP's number purpose will make easy route's process & forwarding data – than if utilize no name its order. Approximately kindred concept ala by patterns that is used at phone number.

Nah is its hoodoo, (1 ) this IP's number its circumscribed amount and (2 ) we oftentimes not want persons to know from computer which / network which we access Internet in order not to be opened for attack cracker from Internet network that its public character.

Base two (2 ) main reasons upon, therefore developed private network's concept, private's network or then recognised with IntraNet (as foe from Internet). This IntraNet's network is next become basis for network at complex about office, plant wide, campus, Internet booth (WARNET) etcetera. Technologically no difference it among IntraNet & Internet, difference that significant is internet protocol address that is utilized. In Internet deal, one Intanet (private's network) can utilize internet protocol address in 192.168.x.x's region or 10.x.x.x. IP 192.168 & 10 not at all utilized by Internets because really is allocated for IntraNet's need only.

pengkaitan's process tissue typing second that variably it is done in a simple via one computer or going tool proxy's software upon. So on functioning computer as intermediate this, will ever have two (2 ) interface (among face), usually one as modem to tack on to Internet network, and one Ethernet Card to tack on to IntraNet's network that private's cipher.

To link network second that variably it, which is Internet & IntraNet, need to be done by translasi address / IP Address. proxy / Network Address Translation's tech own for that matter simple by use of table eight (8 ) columns, one that meaty information:

• workstation's internet protocol address that asks for relationship.
• workstation's application port that asks for relationship.
• proxy's internet protocol address server that accepts to see dammed hell first proxy.
• proxy's application port server that accepts to see dammed hell first proxy.
• proxy's internet protocol address server that keeps on to see dammed hell first proxy
• proxy's application port server that keeps on to see dammed hell first proxy.
• Intent server internet protocol address.
• Intent server application port.

In this way, package with internet protocol address couple information:port from workstation user what does ask for internet protocol address couple service:intent server port can be substituted that server intenting to suspect that service requisition its coming from internet protocol address couple:proxy's port server that keeps on to see dammed hell first proxy. Intent server will send all requested data to internet protocol address couple:proxy's port server that keeps on to see dammed hell first proxy – is next keep on it again to internet protocol address couple:workstation's port user that utilize 192.168.x.x's internet protocol address.

If we see blur ala, for that matter tech proxy this constitute simplest tech from one firewall. Why? With proxy's tech, intent server doesn't know that computer address that ask for that data for that matter is at turn back proxy server & utilize private's internet protocol address 192.168.x.x.
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Posted by Admin, Thursday, July 26, 2007 1:34:00 PM | 1 comments |

The concept of the IMS (IP Multimedia Service)Procedure

The IMS foundation four safety the main specification.

One safety
Delivery the service of multimedia communication characteristically real time and person to person with the IP basis (like voice or videotelepony), likewise his matter with communication person to mechine (like the service gabling).

Two safety
Integrated the service of multimedia communication real time (like the video streaming and live chatting).

Three safety
Could serve and interact with the service and the application that were varied like combined presence and instant messaging.

Four safety
The Ease in melkukan the set up the multi-service in one sesion single or multi sesion simultaneously.

IMS could in toimplementasion wth GPR/EDGE, CDMA EV-DO, UMTS, xDSL or WLAN. To use IMS, the operator carried him out parallel from the available network.
When the operator wanted to place the service voice with communication IP, then IMS increased the application VoIP parallel.

As signaling protocol him, IMS used SIP (session initiation protocol) that was standardised by IETF (the internet engineering task force).
However, because initially standarisai this only was focussed to fixed the internet, the standard that was used by the network selullar will be different.
The theory SIP proxy server this that was worn 3GPP as the concept of the IMS foundation.

SIP that was used by IMS was as protocol application servers and softswitch that could interact with IAD or Access Gateway as well as developed communication between caller and that was called.

SIP could be used constructive caller, nerworking, as well as constructive the session of multimedia communication.
At this time was developed SIP especially to telepony that was mentioned SIP-T. the numbering System SIP-T fully pointed system cash that was used ITU-T, as well as to akomododir the mechanism interegrasi the service telepony with web like: UMS, the internet call waiting, click to dial and instant messanging
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Posted by Admin, Monday, April 09, 2007 3:34:00 PM | 1 comments |

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